The Treaty of Lisbon: a second look at the institutional innovations
Conference at the occasion of the publication of the Joint Study by CEPS, EGMONT and EPC, (Photo credit: Slugger OToole; Flickr )
Conference at the occasion of the publication of the Joint Study by CEPS, EGMONT and EPC, (Photo credit: Slugger OToole; Flickr )
Washington Forum: Preparatory workshop on disarmament & non-proliferation, (Photo credit: shacon1, Flickr )
Conference (Photo credit: byHeraldy, Wikimedia Commons)
Conference with Mr. Gjorge Ivanov, President of Macedonia Speech of the President (Photo credit: rockcohen, Flickr )
Roundtable presented by Mr. Paal Frisvold, Chairman of Bellona Europe, followed by a debate with the participants chaired by Mr. Marc Trenteseau, Director-General of EGMONT. (Photo credit: s-a-m1, Flickr )
Conference with Bernard Pierre, director of training and former Ambassador of Belgium to Beijing. (Photo credit: PMorgan, EveryStockPhoto)