Vol. LXVII, Issue 1 (2014)

- Effective multilateralism revisited. The European Security Strategy ten years after, by Morten Knudsen
- The role of the inter-institutional agreements in the development of the European Parliament’s external competences, by Oleksandr Moskalenko
- The EU’s voice in third countries. The EU Delegations around the world, by Tereza Novotná
- Towards an EU-Mercosur Investment Agreement, by Luca Pantaleo
- EU-ASEAN cooperation in transnational security threats. Prospects for inter-regional cooperation in counter-terrorism, by Hana Umezawa
- The EU perspective on the Post-2015 development framework and the legal scope of EU development cooperation, by Tina Van den Sanden
- The trade-labour linkage in the EU’s generalized system of preferences, by Samatha Velluti
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