Vol. LXVI, Issue 4 (2013)

- EU and strategic partners,
- EU economic affairs,
- EU strategy and foreign policy,
- Middle-East / North Africa,
- Time to go home? The EU’s legacy and future options in Afghanistan by Edward Burke
- Identity as a framework for alternative regionalism? An examination of the organisation of Islamic cooperation and the Pan-Islamic idea by Bruno De Cordier
- The end of market power Europe? The EU’s failure to include aviation fully into its Emissions Trading Scheme by Ferdi De Ville
- European External Action Service. Assesment four years after entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty by Marc Franco
- Belgium and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The cautious pursuit of a just peace by Brigitte Herremans
- German foreign and security policy in the era of political emancipation by George Siahamis
- The end of American primacy? Not so fast! by Tanguy Struye de Swielande and Alexia Honoré
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