Vol. LXV, Issue 1 (2012): The European Security System Revisited

– The European Security System Revisited: EU-Russia relations, Margriet Drent
– The European Security System as seen from Moscow, Dmitry Danilov
– German-Russian relations. A Pan-European mission as national interest, Hans-Joachim Spanger
NATO’s network. On the purpose and challenge of Partnerships, Sten Rynning
– Variable Geometry – Where could it lead?, Gunilla Herolf
– Integration, security and the European Neighbourhood. The importance of the ENP as a Security Policy Instrument,
Pernille Rieker
– Eastward Bound? Options and limitations in the EU’s Eastern Dimension, Geir Flikke
– Russian Energy as a challenge and a Bonus for European Security. The Caspian-Black Sea Avenue, Pavel K. Baev
– Southeastern Europe and European Security, Anton Bebler
– The EU in Global Security. Constructing a Common European Identity, Teija Tiilikainen
– The future of the European Security System, Adrian Hyde-Price