Vol. LXIV, Issue 4 (2011): The European Union and Economic governance

Preface, Philippe de Schoutheete
– Introduction, Marc Lepoivre, Jacques Keller-Noëllet and Stijn Verhelst
– Chapter I. Economic governance: ambitions and ambiguities, Jacques Keller-Noëllet
– Chapter II. Governance by norms: caught between smart and simple rules, Stijn Verhelst
– Chapter III. “Incentive” governance: a key component of a future European economic government, Jim Cloos
– Chapter IV. The “enforcement” of economic governance, Jean-Victor Louis
– Chapter V. Economic governance and solidarity: a complex relationship, Petr Blizkovsky
– Chapter VI. Global economic governance and the EU’s external action, Maria João Rodrigues
Conclusion, Marc Lepoivre, Jacques Keller-Noëllet and Stijn Verhelst