Vol. LXIII, Issue 3/4 (2010): The European Union in international affairs 2010

Preface, Sven Biscop
– EU, China and the environmental challenge in Africa. A case study from timber industry in Gabon, Serena Belligoli
– The Common commercial policy and political conditionality: “normative power Europe” through trade?, Sieglinde Gstöhl
– The quest for a single voice in EU foreign energy policy: a framing theory approach, Sonia Florian
– EURORECAMP, an alternative model for EU security actorness, Toni Haastrup
– Less than the sum of its parts. The CSDP capability gap and prospects of EU military integration, Nicolai von Ondarza
– EU interregionalism: hub-and-spokes or a world of regions? The case of relations with SADC and Mercosur, Frank Mattheis
– Workers and case-law as vehicles of the European Hegemon, Thomas Burri
– Exporting the EU model: a judicial dimension for EU international relations?, Allan F. Tatham
– Economic diplomacy: rebalancing the sino-european trade deficit – EU policy actions and China’s economic and legal-related reform, Jan Hoogmartens
– The EU-CSDP-NATO relationship: asymetric cooperation and the search for momentum, Niels Lachmann.