Vol. LXII, Issue 2 (2009)

– Fragile states and the international response: in pursuit of security or development?, Koen Vlassenroot and Hans Hoebeke
– Failed states or failed concept?, Anna Maria Gentili
– The ten commandments for crafting a sensible policy on fragile states in Africa, Martin Koper
– Must do better: the African state, the African state, and the state of Africa, David Chuter
– State-building in Central Africa: a fragile strategy for fragile states, Emmanuel Klimis
– Le partenariat stratégique “UE-Afrique” face aux “situations de fragilité”, Sébastien Bergeon
– Fragile statehood in Africa: a useful concept for action?, Hans Hoebeke
– From conflict to development diamonds: the Kimberley process, and Africa’s artisanal diamond mines, Steven Van Bockstael and Koen Vlassenroot
– The legal-political dilemma of the International Criminal Court’s involvement in Sudan, Issaka K. Souaré
– The weaknesses of political conditionality in EU development policy: the case of Zimbabwe, Karen Del Biondo