Vol. LXI, Issue 2 (2008): Migration and development. Global governance

– Unfolding the benefits of the migration and development nexus, Rik Coolsaet
– The Global Forum on Migration and Development: a new path for global governance?, Romeo Matsas
– How important is labour mobility for development?, Irena Omelaniuk
– Making remittances work for development: moving ahead the GFMD Agenda, Dilip Ratha and Romeo Matsas
– Shaping global governance: a Brazilian perspective, Marcel Fortuna Biato
– The incremental transformation of the G8 throught the Heiligendamm process, Andrew F. Cooper and Kelly Jackson
– The Doha trade round under suspension: implications and prospects for the global economy, Shalendra D. Sharma, Ph.D.
– Changing trade relations between the European Union and the developing world: on pyramids and spaghetti bowls, Karen Del Biondo, Ferdi De Ville, Lotte Drieghe and Jan Orbie
– From “responding” to “pro-acting”: Japanese national security policy and the role fo the self-defence forces (SDF), Elena Atanassova-Cornelis