Partnership with the National School for Public Administration – ENA RDC
Since 2014, the Egmont Institute contributes to the development strategy and political relations of Belgium in Democratic Republic of Congo through a support to the National School for Public Administration, ENA RDC, responsible for the training and integration of the high-ranking officials. Ever since, our support has widened and strengthened, making our partnership with the school more and more relevant.
The projects implemented with ENA RDC are developed thanks to Belgian development funds from Enabel and the contribution of Wallonie Bruxelles-International for the organisation of traineeships in Brussels.
Public Administration Courses
The ENA RDC has been reactived in 2013 and has since then trained 5 promotions of nearly 100 trainee civil servants to the core skills and competencies of public administration. The school is also responsible for the continuous training of civil servants to progress internally in their administration.
The Egmont Institute supports the initial one-year training of the promotions of students from the ENA RDC by organising short courses (2 to 6 days) to be delivered by a series of external experts.
These experts come from Belgian federal public services, cooperation agencies such as Enabel, international organisations (World Bank, EU) as well as universities and think tanks. As part of their initial training, the students follow a total of four main teaching units throughout the year: “Integration”, “Management”, “Territories” and “Contemporary issues”.
Professional Traineeships
Every year since 2016, the Egmont Institute supervises 3-month professional internships for up to 10 students of the ENA RDC that are organised in Belgium, with the financial support of Enabel and Wallonia Brussels International (WBI).
The 10 students are assigned to various public services in Belgium. So far, the following services have offered internships: Wallonia Brussels International (WBI), the Federation of Wallonia-Brussels (FWB), the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Pensions, the Ministry of Policy and Support (BOSA), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the National Railway Company of Belgium (SNCB), the National Office of Social Security (ONSS), the National Employment Office (ONEM).
As part of their training to become the future administrative elite of Congo, the students are confronted to new professional environments and witness first-hand the functioning of Belgian administrations. This exchange of cultural and professional practices constitutes a unique learning experience for both countries.
Successively 7 students from the 2nd promotion “Laurent Désiré Kabila”, 10 students from the 3rd promotion “Okapi”, 10 students from the 4th promotion “Mandela”, and 10 students from the 5th promotion “Fleuve Congo” were welcomed in Brussels to follow 3-month professional traineeships in the Belgian public services.
Training sessions:

Promotion Etienne Thisekedi 2019-2020 – 6th promotion of ENA RDC
In light of the exceptional circumstances of the Covid-19 pandemic, trainings normally organized in-country are now taking place online, a first in the history of the school. The Minister of Public Service of the DRC, the Embassy of Belgium, Enabel in DRC, and the Embassy of France were all represented in an official opening ceremony to kick off this new process
Promotion Fleuve Congo 2018-2019 - 5th promotion of ENA RDC
“Fleuve Congo” is the fifth promotion of ENA RDC and started in October 2018. Nearly 30 short courses have been organised for this promotion, with new courses including “Training of Trainers”, “Digital issues in public administration” and “Administrative creativity”.
Fleuve Congo 2018-2019 - 5th promotion of ENA RDC
Closing ceremony of the 3-month professional traineeships in Brussels in several Belgian public services funded by Enabel, the Belgian Development Cooperation Agency and by Wallonie Bruxelles International.
Promotion Mandela 2017-2018 – 4th promotion of ENA RDC
During the academic year of the promotion Mandela, the Egmont Institute supervised 11 training courses, such as “Rural Development”, “Professional writing”, “Post-conflict and national reconstruction”.
Promotion Mandela 2017-2018 – 4th promotion of ENA RDC
10 Congolese énarques were welcomed in different Belgian public services for their professional traineeships: the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry for Mobility and Transport, the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Federal Service for Pensions, the National Railway Company SNCB and Wallonie Bruxelles International. This project was funded by Enabel, the Belgian Development Cooperation Agency and by Wallonie Bruxelles International.
Promotion Okapi 2016-2017 – 3rd promotion of ENA RDC
The promotion “Okapi” started in June 2016 and its students followed 9 courses supervised by the Egmont Institute, such as “Regional integration”, “Financial and fiscal decentralisation in provinces and territorial entities in DRC” or “Public policies”.
Promotion Okapi 2016-2017 – 3rd promotion of ENA RDC
A formal opening session of the professional traineeships for 10 énarques at the Federal Public Service Foreign Affairs in presence of the the Africa Director of the Federal Public Service Foreign Affairs. The session was attended by the Congolese Chargé d’Affaires, Paul-Crispin Kakhozi, representatives of the Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Belgian Minister for Development Cooperation as well as representatives of each public administration welcoming a trainee.
Promotion Laurent-Désiré Kabila 2015-2016 – 2nd promotion ENA RDC
The students of the second promotion “Laurent-Désiré Kabila” started their academic year in June 2015 and were the first to receive courses delivered by Belgian administrators.
Promotion Laurent-Désiré Kabila 2015-2016 – 2nd promotion ENA RDC
The students of the second promotion “Laurent-Désiré Kabila” started their academic year in June 2015 and were the first to receive courses delivered by Belgian administrators.