The international nexus between energy and climate change

When reflecting over the question addressed, i.e. “can the G8 contribute to reconciling the interests of the various players” in the area of energy and climate change, one might be tempted to turn around the terms of the question. Arguably, in the long run, what is certain is that climate change, if not the G8, will reconcile the interests of all the various players. All scenarios seem, indeed, to concur on this point: no-one, no-where, will ultimately remain untouched by the consequences of climate change and global warming. Hereafter, I will shortly touch upon three subjects, and first the climate change and energy nexus. Secondly I will present the EU’s actions in the fight against climate change, before reflecting over some post-Kyoto issues.
Presentation at an international conference: Workshop or Talking Shop? Globalization, Security and the Legitimacy of the G8, organised by the EGMONT Institute, Norman Paterson School of International Affairs at Carleton University, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and G8 Research Group, Brussels, Niels Bekkhus, 24-25 May 2007.
(Photo credit: Javier Prieto, Flickr)