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The Belgian secret services get out of the shadows

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The Belgian intelligence service just released a new public report and inaugurated its website. This new policy of opening and transparency is a small revolution for the Belgian services, and a move that should be welcomed and encouraged. Rik Coolsaet and Thomas Renard explain why the State Security (VSSE) benefits from a greater engagement with the media, academics and civil society.

This commentary was published in Dutch in De Standaard (Stille revolutie bij de Staats­veiligheid) and in French in L’Echo (Les services secrets sortent (enfin) de l’ombre).

The Belgian intelligence service (de Veiligheid van de Staat/la Sûreté de l’Etat) has, for the first time in its history, its own website: French versionDutch version.

(Photo credit: Robert Patterson, Flickr)