The Belgian secret services get out of the shadows

The Belgian intelligence service just released a new public report and inaugurated its website. This new policy of opening and transparency is a small revolution for the Belgian services, and a move that should be welcomed and encouraged. Rik Coolsaet and Thomas Renard explain why the State Security (VSSE) benefits from a greater engagement with the media, academics and civil society.
This commentary was published in Dutch in De Standaard (Stille revolutie bij de Staatsveiligheid) and in French in L’Echo (Les services secrets sortent (enfin) de l’ombre).
The Belgian intelligence service (de Veiligheid van de Staat/la Sûreté de l’Etat) has, for the first time in its history, its own website: French version – Dutch version.
(Photo credit: Robert Patterson, Flickr)