Reform of the International Monetary System and new global economic governance: how the EU may contribute

The Jean Monnet Network “Crisis-Equity-Democracy for Europe and Latin America” is a research project selected and financed at 80% by the European Commission and, the rest, by a consortium of five academic institutions from Europe and Latin America. These institutions are coordinated by IRELAC – the Interdisciplinary Institute for the Relations between European Union and Latin America and the Caribbean – based in Brussels. The project is organized as a network of bi-regional comparative research on crisis, its management and its social and democratic implications in Europe and Latin America with the aim to mutually learn from each other and to develop policy advice by offering a platform for an exchange of viewpoints to policy makers, academia and the civil society.
This article was first published in International Monetary Issues.
(Photo credit: modified picture various currencies from Publicdomeinpictures by CC0; IMF-logo: Flickr, by Mike Licht, NotionsCapital.com; StockMarket picture from Wikimedia Commons; EU logo, by rockchohen, Flickr)