New leadership in a new European Union
Everybody is talking about the lack of leadership in the European Union. Blair’s or Chirac’s declarations are read as mere tactical moves designed to gain leadership. Barroso is often presented […]
Everybody is talking about the lack of leadership in the European Union. Blair’s or Chirac’s declarations are read as mere tactical moves designed to gain leadership. Barroso is often presented […]
La réponse à la question de l’avenir du traité constitutionnel est différente selon qu’on envisage la situation à court terme ou à moyen terme. A court terme l’Europe se trouve […]
Certaines questions juridiques liées aux négociations menées actuellement au sein de l’OMC et du Programme de Doha pour le Développement (DDA- Doha Development Agenda) sont discutées au sein de l’Union. […]
Europe did not wake up to terrorism on 9/11. Throughout its history, it has been experiencing all sorts of terrorisms, leftwing, rightwing, nationalist, social, religious. European counter-terrorism mechanisms date back […]
The negotiations for the accession of Turkey were officially engaged on 3rd of October 2005. The negotiating framework contains conditions that are more restrictive than those imposed by the EU […]
The shake-up of the European security architecture produced by the end of the Cold War has not led to a clear-cut division of labour between the different actors involved. While […]