Quel avenir pour la politique européenne de voisinage ?
Le temps est sans doute venu de considérer qu’à l’Est, la politique de voisinage, pour être à la hauteur, ne doit pas nécessairement devenir l’antichambre de l’adhésion et qu’au Sud, […]
Le temps est sans doute venu de considérer qu’à l’Est, la politique de voisinage, pour être à la hauteur, ne doit pas nécessairement devenir l’antichambre de l’adhésion et qu’au Sud, […]
At the end of 2007, the European Commission launched the Health Check (HC) of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). After a consultation with all stakeholders, legislative proposals were made in […]
External publications
in Foresight 2009, December 2008. In this article, Valerie Arnould gives an overview of the main domestic actors and groups that drive policies in the DRC’s mining sector. (Photo credit: ENOUGH […]
External publications
The Georgia-Russia Stalemate: Dos and Don’ts for avoiding a new Cold War. This discussion paper reflects on the August 2008 conflict between Georgia and Russia. Though brief, the implications of […]
The resumption of fighting in eastern Congo in October 2008 between rebel forces loyal to dissident General Nkunda and units of the Congolese army clearly underlines the fragility of the […]
It should be acknowledged that regional integration dynamics in Central Africa have been lagging far behind that of western, eastern and southern Africa where important advances have been made over […]