External publications
Gold trafficking – Connecting conflict zones to global markets
Paper presented at the Seminar ‘Illicit Flows and African Security’, Nordic Africa Institute, FOI, Stockholm, 17 Oct. 2013. (Photo credit: ENOUGH Project, Flickr)
External publications
Paper presented at the Seminar ‘Illicit Flows and African Security’, Nordic Africa Institute, FOI, Stockholm, 17 Oct. 2013. (Photo credit: ENOUGH Project, Flickr)
External publications
In NAI lecture series autumn 2013 on ‘Violent conflicts over land in contemporary Africa’, the Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala, 16 Oct. 2013. (Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons, CIA World Facebook, Flickr)
External publications
Paper presented at the seminar ‘The LRA, the Central African Republic and ungoverned spaces’, DAF and IKV PAX Christi, The Hague, 2 Oct. 2013. (Photo credit: hdptcar, Flickr)
External publications
Paper presented at the Journée d’animation scientifique du Pôle Foncier de Montpellier on ‘Etat, violence et enchaînement des conflits entre la sphère foncière et la sphère politique’, Montpellier, 26 Sept. […]
External publications
Just as the shift of the American strategic focus to Asia and the Pacific forces strategic autonomy upon Europeans, the financial crisis limits their means. In the age of austerity, […]
External publications
As of mid-2013, there is no clarity whatsoever on how a collective public bailout would take place in the Banking Union. More clarity on the matter is needed to avoid […]