External publications
When the US shoots itself in the foot
The rift between the US and the EU was evident at the G7 Summit this week. A revisionist US poses a conundrum for both the EU and Australia. This article […]
External publications
The rift between the US and the EU was evident at the G7 Summit this week. A revisionist US poses a conundrum for both the EU and Australia. This article […]
External publications
At their 1998 Saint-Malo Summit, the UK and France initiated the creation of a military arm for the European Union, now known as the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP). […]
External publications
Koen Vlassenroot, Emery Mudinga and Josaphat Musamba Bussy tackle the complexities around the remobilisation of armed combatants following conflict and introduce new ways to look at it. This publication was […]
Returning foreign terrorist fighters constitute a threat to Europe, which should neither be underestimated nor overstated. European member states have developed a number of measures and instruments to deal with […]
External publications
This article is published in M. Kaldor, I. Rangelov and S. Selchow, eds., EU Global Strategy and Human Security. Rethinking Approaches to Conflict, Abingdon: Routledge, pp 85-102. This volume provides […]
External publications
This article examines the extent to which the participation of women in the military furthers or hinders the displacement of gendered dichotomies and whether this brings about more transformative change […]