De wereld na Bin Laden
The death of Osama Bin Laden is a good new. But his role in Al Qaeeda was out since 2004(in Dutch) in De Standaard, 3 May 2011. (Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons)
The death of Osama Bin Laden is a good new. But his role in Al Qaeeda was out since 2004(in Dutch) in De Standaard, 3 May 2011. (Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons)
This short blog entry reviews the EU’s development and implementation of its so-called ‘strategic partnerships’. It summarizes the main findings of Egmont Paper 45.
in The New Atlanticist, 3 Oct. 2011. (Photo credit: Burmesedays, Wikimedia Commons)
in De Standaard, 26 March 2011. (Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons)
This Commentary argues that the EU should build up a world-class diplomatic corps, capable of becoming a major actor in global affairs. This paper is the summary of a book […]
The European Union is certainly active through its Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP): witness the large number of past and present military and civilian operations, across the globe. But […]