The Pyongyang regime wants a guarantee of survival
Original title: Re?im z Pjongjangu chce gwarancji przetrwania.
With the opinion of Bruno Hellendorff.
Original title: Re?im z Pjongjangu chce gwarancji przetrwania.
With the opinion of Bruno Hellendorff.
With the opinion of Bruno Hellendorff.
Interview with Bruno Hellendorff.
Interview with Bruno Hellendorff.
The Dubai International Communication Programme was organised by the Egmont Education & Training Programme in Brussels from 15th to 18th October 2018 for a group of Dubai senior officials. This graduation ceremony took place in the framework of the World Government Summit in Dubai during which the Director General of the Egmont Institute, Ambassador Johan Verbeke, contributed to the panel on the “Role of responsible communication in crisis management”.
With the opinion of Thomas Renard and of Rik Coolsaet.
With the mention of Rik Coolsaet.
Read the article (in Polish).
Original title: “Châu Âu “khoét sâu” chia r?, e s? M? phóng thích tù nhân IS t?i Syria”.
With the opinion of Rik Coolsaet.
With the opinion of Rik Coolsaet.