België moet erop letten niet mee te stappen in de trend naar killer robots
With the opinion of Alexander Mattelaer.
Reprint by Datanews (bron: Belga): “Defensie heeft interesse in gevechtsrobot “. Read the article.
With the opinion of Alexander Mattelaer.
Reprint by Datanews (bron: Belga): “Defensie heeft interesse in gevechtsrobot “. Read the article.
Interview with Bruno Hellendorf.
Interview with Thomas Renard.
With the opinion of Thomas Renard.
With the mention of the Egmont Institute and the study: Children in the Levant: Insights from Belgium on the dilemmas of repatriation and the challenges of reintegration.
Interview with Bruno Hellendorf.
With the mention of Rik Coolsaet and Thomas Renard.
Interview with Bruno Hellendorf.
Interview with Bruno Hellendorf.