Face à la crise iranienne et le conflit en Libye, l’Europe “géopolitique” à l’épreuve
With the opinion of Sven Biscop.
With the opinion of Sven Biscop.
Interview with Alexander Mattelaer.
With the opinion of Marc Franco and Alexander Mattelaer.
With the opinion of Sven Biscop.
Interview with Thomas Renard (from 46:00).
With the opinion of Sven Biscop.
With mention of the report of Thomas Renard and Rik Coolsaet
With the opinion of Sven Biscop.
The Egmont Institute is very proud to announce that 3 of our publications have been put forward by
The EU Council Think Tank Review 2019:
* Raluca Csernatoni – on An Ambitious Agenda or Big Words? Developing a European Approach to AI
* Francesca Colli – on the The EU-Mercosur agreement: towards integrated climate policy?
* Gustaaf Geeraerts – on Europe and China’s Belt and Road Initiative: growing concerns, more strategy
Read the full EU Council Think Tank Review 2019.