La covid-19 treu “prestigi ” als EUA i deixa una Xina “més agressiva” però “no canvia massa” l’ordre geopolític
With the opinion of Sven Biscop.
La Covid treu «prestigi» als EUA i reforça la Xina però no canvia l’ordre geopolític
With the opinion of Sven Biscop. (Title in English: Covid draws “prestige” from the US and strengthens China but does not change the geopolitical order)
Le Covid-19 oblige l’Europe à repenser son rapport au monde
With the opinion of Alexander Mattelaer.
Een alliantie van democratieën: mét de VS of vóór de VS?
Opinion piece by Sven Biscop.
Is it time for President Putin to bring Russia into NATO?
With the opinion of Sven Biscop. Original title is written in Vietnamese.
EU urged to look within on security
With the opinion of Sven Biscop.
Idea of Russia Joining NATO Entirely Hypothetical, No Pursuant Appetite on Either Side
U.S. after weakening Iran’s international posture: ex-EU diplomat
With the opinion of Marc Otte.