Ny kritik: Danske myndigheder har aldrig besøgt fangelejrene i Syrien
Rik Coolsaet ‘Iedereen moet erbij horen’
Interview with Rik Coolsaet and the mention of the Egmont Institute.
Repatriating ISIS foreign fighters is key to stemming radicalization, experts say, but many countries don’t want their citizens back
With the opinion of Thomas Renard and the mention of the Egmont Institute.
La Tunisie ne sait pas quoi faire des terroristes rapatriés!
Nicht ohne ihre Mütter
With mention of the study of Thomas Renard an d Rik Coolsaet
De vijanden van onze vijanden, zijn dat onze vrienden?
Podcast by Rudi Vranckx and Vincent Byloo with the opinion of Thomas Renard.
Listen to the podcast (From 00:13:15 onwards)
IS terug van nooit weggeweest
With the opinion of Thomas Renard.
Danmark har en ‘fuldstændig mindblowing’ model for at håndtere børn og Syrienskrigere
With the opinion of Thomas Renard.