Stijn Verhelst
- Semantics matter: Why the European Monetary Fund is a welcome idea, but a bad name Commentaries
- ‘I wouldn’t start from here’: the making of European Banking Supervision, and the road ahead Egmont papers
- Cohesion policy and sound economic governance: a loveless marriage External publications
- The (non)sense of eurozone level democracy Egmont papers
- Cameron’s logic calls for eurozone democracy Commentaries
- A Eurozone Subcommittee in the European Parliament: high hopes, low results? European Policy Briefs
- All monetary policy has become ‘unconventional’ Commentaries
- Hopefully Eurosceptics will work hard Commentaries
- The voting behaviour of Belgian MEPs during 16 key votes: What lessons from the 2009-2014 legislature? External publications
- Vol. LXVI, Issue 3 (2013): Variable geometry union: how differentiated integration is shaping the EU Studia Diplomatica
- Differentiated economic and monetary integration: An experimental cocktail in search of a new recipe External publications
- A beginner’s guide to differentiated integration in the EU External publications
- What future for the eurozone? Combining discipline, solidarity and institutional reforms European Policy Briefs
- Preparing the Banking Union for the next crisis External publications
- What if the next financial crisis hits the Banking Union? A call for an “If all else fails” clause European Policy Briefs
- Assessing the single supervisory mechanism: passing the point of no return for Europe’s Banking Union Egmont papers
- Don’t complicate it even further: Macroeconomic conditionality as a substitute for new structural reform contracts European Policy Briefs
- The Single Supervisory Mechanism : a sound first step in Europe’s banking union? External publications
- Macro-economic conditionalities in cohesion policy External publications
- Macroeconomic conditionality in cohesion policy: added value or unnecessary burden? European Policy Briefs
- Banking Union: are the EMU design mistakes being repeated? European Policy Briefs
- A briefing on Eurobonds European Policy Briefs
- An election too far ? Four scenarios for Greece after the elections European Policy Briefs
- Will the national ‘golden rule’ eclipse the EU fiscal norms? External publications
- Will the national ‘golden rule’ eclipse the EU fiscal norms? External publications
- How EU fiscal norms will become a safety net for the failure of national Golden Rules European Policy Briefs
- Vol. LXIV, Issue 4 (2011): The European Union and Economic governance Studia Diplomatica
- Linking cohesion policy to European economic governance: an idea up for improvement European Policy Briefs
- Rapport de la table ronde « La gouvernance économique européenne et ses conséquences pour la Belgique» External publications
- The reform of European economic governance : towards a sustainable monetary union? Egmont papers
- What if the new financial supervision framework proves insufficient? External publications
- Renewed financial supervision in Europe – final or transitory? Egmont papers
- Crise économique et financière: Pallier les lacunes du cadre européen External publications
- Addressing the financial crisis: the EU’s incomplete regulatory response Egmont papers