Koen Vlassenroot
- Congo crisis extends beyond ‘conflict minerals’ Commentaries
- Observateurs internationaux et élections en République Démocratique du Congo Commentaries
- Corruption in the Congolese Army: Three Lessons for Modern Democracies Commentaries
- 60 years of Congo’s independence: power, complicity and protest Commentaries
- The limits of President Tshisekedi’s Security Strategy in the Democratic Republic of Congo External publications
- Competition, Patronage and Fragmentation: The limits of bottom-up approaches to Security Governance in Ituri External publications
- The in-between of being a civilian and combatant – circular return in eastern DR Congo External publications
- EU Policies in the DRC: Misaligned Ambitions External publications
- The armed conflict lurking in the countryside External publications
- Congo’s political crisis after 19 December Commentaries
- It’s not all about the land’: Land disputes and conflict in the eastern Congo External publications
- Contesting authority: Armed rebellion and military fragmentation in Walikale and Kalehe, North and South Kivu External publications
- The challenges of multi-layered security governance in Ituri External publications
- EU policies in the Democratic Republic of Congo: Try and fail? External publications
- Armed mobilisation and the nexus of territory, identity, and authority: the contested territorial aspirations of the Banyamulenge in eastern DR Congo External publications
- Analyzing the impact of the Dodd-Frank Act on Congolese livelihoods External publications
- Congolese conflict minerals make unexpected victims Commentaries
- Why local dynamics of conflict are never only local External publications
- The shaping and un-shaping of public authority in eastern DR Congo External publications
- Digging deeper: the politics of ‘conflict minerals’ in the Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo External publications
- Comprendre les groupes armés: le cas du Raia Mutomboki External publications
- Justice and security and the shaping and un-shaping of public authority in eastern DR Congo External publications
- Displacement and public authority in Haut Uélé (DRC) External publications
- Gold trafficking – Connecting conflict zones to global markets External publications
- Land, identity and power: analysis of land-related conflict in eastern DR Congo External publications
- Regional tendencies, governance in a no government zone and options External publications
- Le foncier et les dynamiques de conflit à l’Est du Congo: définir des options d’intervention External publications
- South Kivu: Identity, territory, and power in the eastern Congo External publications
- Dealing with land issues and conflict in eastern Congo: towards an integrated and participatory approach Africa Policy Briefs
- Wat weten we (niet) over het geweld in Oost-Congo? External publications
- The humanitarian industry and urban change in Goma External publications
- Formal political structures, resources and the Ugandan army: military entrepreneurialism in the Ugandan-Congolese borderland External publications
- The Lubanga verdict: a milestone in the fight against impunity? Commentaries
- Obama takes on the LRA. Why Washington sent troops to Central Africa Commentaries
- Diamonds, rice, and a ‘maggi cube’. Artisanal diamond mining and livelihoods in Liberia Books
- Climate change and conflict in sub-Saharan Africa: the mother of all problems? External publications
- Het relaas van een turbulente relatie: de Congolees-Belgische betrekkingen External publications
- From discourse to practice: A sharper perspective on the relationship between minerals and violence in DR Congo External publications
- Why the violence in Eastern Congo does’t stop Commentaries
- The Lord’s Resistance Army: myth and reality Books
- Congo ‘viert feest’ External publications
- Fragile states and the international response: in pursuit of security or development? Africa Policy Briefs
- Don’t forget the forgotten conflict Commentaries
- Assessing security sector reform and its impact on the Kivu provinces External publications
- Politics of regional integration in Central Africa External publications
- Artisanal diamond mining. Perspectives and challenges Books
- Peace in the Kivu’s? An analysis of the Nairobi and Goma Agreements External publications
- EU support to the Democratic Republic of Congo, rapports et documents External publications
- De Democratische Republiek Congo: tussen neo-patrimonialisme en wederopbouw External publications
- The Democratic Republic of Congo and the evolution of ESD External publications
- Will the EU be able to reverse reconfirmation of patrimonial rule in the DRC? External publications