What is at stake with the UN conference on Climate Change (COP 21) in Paris in December 2015?

21 October 2015
Residence Palace (Polak Hall), Rue de la Loi, Schuman Square, Brussels
The conference was introduced by Pr. Olivier de Schutter, President of Association pour les Nations-Unies (APNU) and Professor of International Law at Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL), as well as Clémentine d’Oultremont, Senior Research Fellow at Egmont Institute.
Two distinguished speakers, Brice Lalonde and Philippe Lamberts, gave impressive presentations.
– Mr. Brice Lalonde is Special Advisor on Sustainable Development to the UN Global Compact. Before that, Mr. Lalonde was Executive Coordinator for the Rio+20 Conference, and, before, the French ambassador for climate change negotiations. From 1988 to 1992, he served as French minister for the Environment and was strongly involved in global issues. He also chaired the Round Table for Sustainable Development at the OECD and held the position of Director of the Paris office of the Institute for a European Environment Policy.
– Mr. Philippe Lamberts is a member of the European Parliament since 2009 and was recently elected co-Chair of the Greens /EFA political group. He is member of the Committee for Economic & Monetary Affairs (ECON), specialized in economic governance and financial regulations. He is also member of the newly established Committee TAXE.
The debate was moderated by Pr. Jan Wouters, President of VVN (Vereniging voor Verenigde naties) and Professor of International Law and International Organisation at University of Leuven (KU Leuven).
Please find HERE the report of the conference.
(Photo credit: Eskinder Debede / UN Photo)
See invitation.