Towards a more Resilient Europe : Foresight in times of COVID-19

17 November 2020
Taking place at the eve of the annual European Strategy and Political Analysis System conference, this webinar will provide an opportunity to better understand how and under which conditions foresight can help identifying emerging trends to inform policy making processes and steer strategic choices.
The current COVID-19 pandemic has further exposed the need for a greater emphasis on anticipatory governance and forward-looking policies. The publication in early September of the Commission’s first Strategic Foresight Report was seen as a milestone in moving EU’s foresight capacity to a new phase.
Building upon the achievements of the ESPAS network as well as on a major risk mapping and capabilities and gap mapping exercise released by the European Parliamentary Research Service during the summer, the Commission’s report makes operational suggestions to respond to earlier criticisms of the effectiveness of EU-horizon-scanning and to ensure the added value of foresight in all policy areas. It also paves the way for further developments with reference to the ESPAS conference and possibly the forthcoming Conference on the Future of Europe.
Mr. Franck DEBIE, Director for Library and Knowledge Services, DG EPRS, European Parliament; Member of the Steering Group of ESPAS
Ms. Nicole DEWANDRE, Member of the Cabinet of President Ursula von der Leyen
Mr. Peter VAN KEMSEKE , Director for strategy and communication, Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The working language will be English.
Watch the recording on Youtube.
(Photo credit: European Commission, © Europese Unie, 1995-2020)