Ukraine’s population future after the Russian Invasion and its impact on reconstruction

27 March 2023
15:00 -16:30
Meeting room of the Egmont Institute
Type of Event
The Egmont Institute
While the Ukrainian population was already shrinking rapidly before the war due to low birth rates, high levels of mortality and high emigration rates, the war has dramatically accentuated the demographic decline of the country. The war has indeed displaced between 25% and 30% of the entire Ukrainian population.
During this event, we want to shift the perspective of such a large displacement from the analysis of impacts for and within the EU, to the longer-term consequences for the demography and recovery of Ukraine.
The debate will be introduced by a presentation of key facts and figures on displacement and of a report jointly produced by Joint Research Centre of the European Commission and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis.
In the second part of the event, we will discuss how reconstruction and economic recovery planning should take these projections into consideration. Policy makers and experts from national and European governmental and non-governmental organisations, international organisations, representatives from academia, and think tanks will be invited.
The meeting will be moderated by Jean-Louis de Brouwer, Director of the European Affairs Programme at the Institute.
The meeting will take place on Monday 27 March 2023 from 15h to 16h30 at the Egmont Institute (24A, Rue des Petits Carmes, 1000 Brussels). You will have the opportunity to attend this meeting either in person or online.
We kindly ask you to confirm your participation by sending an email to stating your preference to join the meeting in person or online by Thursday 23 March.
We hope to see you then.
Read the report here