The impact of the new EU electricity market design: how will the different pieces of the puzzle fit together?

6 December 2016
Egmont Palace, Place du Petit Sablon 8bis 1000 Brussels
Since 2012 Egmont – The Royal Institute for International Relations and the Development Group have been organising an annual series of events related to key issues of the Energy Transition.
2016 is presented as the ‘year of the delivery’ for the Energy Union project and, in this regard, is an inflexion moment on the road to a low-carbon economy. We will continue to provide more in-depth analysis and debate this year through two Energy Symposia followed by a High-Level Energy Conference in Brussels.
Europe is transiting from an old, centralised, large-scale system to a decentralised one, with an ever increasing share of energy from renewable sources. This integration has not been followed-up yet by a rethinking of how the different pieces of the puzzle will fit together. The integration of the European electricity market is still far from being completed and is even at risk of further fragmentation. Most investment decisions are currently based on national policies rather than market conditions and are done at national level instead of regional or European one. Against this backdrop, our conference will assess the new proposal for a renewed electricity market design and its potential impact on the flexibility of the electricity system, the reflection of full system costs, the participation of consumer/demand side and the whole energy mix.
Please find the report of the event here
Please find the pictures of the event here
09:00 – 09:15 Welcome address
Stefan RAUSCH, Project Manager Public Affairs, Development Group
Marc OTTE, Director General, Egmont Institute
09:15 – 09:45 Keynote address and Q&A
Dominique RISTORI, Director-General, DG Energy, European Commission
09:45 – 11:00 Session 1: Looking forward – how can the European electricity market meet both its flexibility and security objectives?
Chair: Marc OTTE, Director General, Egmont Institute
- Juan José ALBA RIOS, Chairman, EURELECTRIC Markets Committee and Vice President Regulatory Affairs, ENDESA
- Konstantin STASCHUS, Secretary General, ENTSO-E
- Guido BORTONI, President, AEEGSI
Moderator: Philip BAKER, Senior Advisor, Regulatory Assistance Project
11:00 – 11:30 Coffee break
11:30 – 12:45 Session 2: Looking beyond – how to enhance the integration of national markets and consumers in the electricity market?
Chair: Quentin GENARD, Associate Fellow, Egmont Institute
- Dörte FOUQUET, Director, European Renewable Energies Federation
- Bruno LESCOEUR, Advisor to the President and Chief Executive Officer, EDF
- Wolfram VOGEL, Director, Public & Regulatory Affairs and Communications, EPEX Spot
Moderator: Manon DUFOUR, Head of Brussel Office, E3G
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch