The European Union: challenges and strategic responses

27 October 2015
RHID, Campus Renaissance conference centre (entrance: rue Hobbema 8, 1000 Brussels)
Over the past few years, the European Union has been facing ever-increasing security challenges in its immediate neighbourhood. From the Arab Spring, to the Malian crisis, the Ukraine, and the expansion of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, the arch of instability at the borders of Europe raises serious questions about the Union’s role as a security provider. Despite the existence of a wide crisis toolbox at the European Union’s disposal, are the instruments conceived consistent with the challenges of today? Where should the emphasis lie? Those questions should be underpinning the drafting process of the future EU Global Strategy on Foreign and Security Policy mandated by the European Council. Yet, is a new security strategy what the European Union is so badly missing? And if so, what deliverables could be expected from the new strategy?
To address these issues, the Royal Higher Institute for Defence, the Egmont – Royal Institute for International Relations, the Geneva Centre for Security Policy and the Austria Institut für Europa- und Sicherheitspolitik have brought together a large pool of experts, analysts, and practitioners, who will present their views to the audience. The presentations and discussions will be organised around three roundtables, each focusing on the following aspects: challenges; responses; and strategy.
For more information and registration, please click here.
(Photo credit: RHID)