The completion of the internal energy market by 2014: feasible or illusory? (1st Symposium in the framework of the project “Energy Transition: A multifaceted Challenge for Europe”)

21 February 2013
CCE, Brussels.
In light of the Communication on “making the internal energy market work” released by the European Commission in November 2012, Egmont – Royal Institute for International Relations and the Development Group organised a Symposium entitled “the completion of the EU internal energy market by 2014: feasible or illusory?” on the 21st of February 2013 in Brussels.
The Symposium was the first of a series of 5 events related to “the multifaceted challenges of the EU energy transition towards a low-carbon economy” that will be held this year.
Please fing here the complete report as well as the agenda of the Symposium.
Please find here the presentations of Holger Gassner (RWE Innogy), Ivo Hlavac (CEZ Group), Jayesh Parmar (Baringa Partners) and Walter Peeraer (Fluxys SA).
Pictures of the Symposium can be found at Flickr.
Many thanks to our:
(Photo credit: Egmont Institute, D group)