The Broken Umbrella. Shifting Security Architecture in Europe and the United States

3 February 2021
This webinar introduces the topic of the postponed international workshop The Broken Umbrella: Shifting Security Architecture in Europe and the Asia-Pacific, starting from an analysis of the EU-U.S. relations in the light of the recent presidential elections in the United States. A second webinar with focus on the relation with the Asia-Pacific region will be scheduled in spring, while the workshop itself has been rescheduled for 21-22 October 2021.
The lecture by Stephen G. Brooks, Professor of Government at Dartmouth, focuses on Europe’s role in the U.S. Grand Strategy Debate and investigates whether strong transatlantic security ties may be restored.
Sven Biscop, Director of the ‘Europe in the World Programme’ at the Egmont Royal Institute for International Relations in Brussels and Professor at the Ghent Institute for International Studies (GIIS) at Ghent University, will present a response and Tom Sauer, Professor at the Research Group International Politics of the University of Antwerp, will moderate the debate.
(Photo credit: Pixabay)