The Belgian Recovery and Resilience Plan

24 March 2021
Watch the recording of this webinar on YouTube.
The European Commission is expecting that Member States will formally submit their Recovery and Resilience Plans (RRPs) by 30 April 2021. These plans should set out a coherent package of reforms and public investments projects to be implemented up to 2026 in order to be supported by the Recovery and Resilience Facility.
The plans should demonstrate how the investments and reforms would effectively address challenges identified in the context of the European Semester, particularly the country-specific recommendations adopted by the Council. The plans should also include measures aimed at addressing the challenges faced by Member States regarding the twin green and digital transitions.
In November 2020, the various governments in Belgium decided to coordinate the preparation of the Belgian RRP and agreed on a first description of the plan’s strategic orientations, which was submitted to the European Commission in January 2021.
A preliminary list of selected priority projects for investments followed by a series of possible reforms to be undertaken in the framework of the RRF were shared with the EU Commission task force in February and March 2021.
Based on these documents and following the ongoing dialogue between the Belgian authorities and the EU Commission task force, a new version of the Belgian RRP is expected in early April.
The webinar planned by Egmont on 24 March 2021 is a follow-up of the event organized by Egmont on 21 October 2020 on industrial policy and recovery and resilience strategies. This event will be an opportunity to present the state of play concerning the preparation of the RRP’s from the Commission’s perspective as well as from the perspective of the Belgian government.
Director-General in charge of the Recovery and Resilience Task Force in the Secretariat-General of the EU Commission.
Belgian Secretary of State responsible for Scientific Policy, Recovery Program and Strategic Investments.
Senior Advisor at the Egmont Institute.
The working language will be English
Participants should register 22 March.
The Zoom Webinar – link will be sent at a later date.
(Photo credit: