The State of the Union: After the British referendum, what future for the EU ?

4 July 2016
Egmont Palace
The State of the Union:
After the British referendum, what future for the EU ?
The aim of the conference is to approach the current challenges and possible solutions for the European Union following the British referendum. This conference will examine the main stakes related to this issue, among others: the refugee crisis and the struggle for a working Common Foreign and Security Policy.
View the photogallery.
Welcome: Ambassador Marc Otte, Director General, Egmont Institute
Panel discussion ‘State of the Union’ with:
Tim Oliver,Dahrendorf Fellow on Europe-North America Relations, London School of Economics
Didier Reynders, Belgian Deputy Prime Minister and Mtioninister of Foreign Affairs and European Affairs
Herman Van Rompuy, former Prime Minister of Belgium and former President of the European Council
Margrethe Verstager, European Commissioner, Competition
Moderator: Simon Nixon, Chief European Commentator of the Wall Street Journal.
(Photo credit: The Prime Ministers Office, Flickr)