Risks and Opportunities in a “Free and Open Indo-Pacific”

2 July 2021
Watch the recording of the webinar on Youtube
The Indo-Pacific holds half of the world’s population and is the engine of global economic growth. One-third of the world’s trade and some 40% of Europe’s foreign trade passes through the South China Sea. Yet the security environment in the Indo-Pacific region is degrading. Naval warfare capabilities are growing, and gray zone tactics are being employed to challenge the status quo. This begs the question how the vision of a free and open Indo-Pacific can be maintained. This Egmont webinar will zoom on the design of counter-escalation strategies and the role played by the EU-Japan Strategic Partnership Agreement therein.
Programme (indicative timings only)
16h00: Introductory remarks by Alexander Mattelaer, Egmont Senior Research Fellow and Vice-Dean Brussels School of Governance
16h05: Presentation by Masashi Murano, Japan Chair Fellow at the Hudson Institute
16h25: Discussion by Philip Shetler-Jones (GIZ and Council on Geostrategy Fellow)
16h40: Q&A and debate with the audience
17h30: Concluding remarks by Prof Dr Alexander Mattelaer
About the speaker
Masashi MURANO is Japan Chair Fellow at the Hudson Institute. His research areas include US-Japan defense cooperation and nuclear/conventional deterrence analysis. Prior to joining Hudson, he was a Research Fellow at the Okazaki Institute, a Tokyo-based think tank. For the past nine years, he has been involved in research, analysis, table-top exercises and facilitation of numerous products related to strategic intelligence assessment and policy planning for the Japanese government. Mr Murano holds an MA in Security Studies from Takushoku University. He is a member of several government grant research programs includes subcommittee on Security Issues in New Domains, Government Grant Research Program for Foreign Affairs and Security Studies hosted by the University of Tokyo-Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology.
Please note that this Egmont webinar is held on the record and a videorecording can be made available in the public domain.
Participants should register by 30 June
The Zoom Webinar – link will be sent at a later date.
(Photo credit: europa.eu)