Rethinking the EU’s relations with strategic partners: more pragmatism and flexibility?

29 May 2017
Egmont Institute
Last year, the EU concluded an important exercise to better identify its foreign policy interests and how to pursue them, resulting in a document: the EU Global Strategy (EUGS). Among other things, the EU sought to clarify its level of ambition, and relations with great and emerging powers. Following the election of Donald Trump, the growing Chinese foreign policy assertiveness and economic offensive, and the continuously difficult relations with Russia, this debate remains essential. There is more than ever a need to think strategically about the EU’s role in the world and relations with strategic partners.
Jan Melissen, Senior Research Fellow at Clingendael
Wouter Zweers, Project Assistant at Clingendael
Julia De Clerck-Sachsse, Adviser at Strategic Planning, European External Action Service, will act as discussant.
(Photo credit: EP, Flickr )