Partnership diplomacy: The alliances and strategic partnerships of major powers

12 December 2014
Thon Hotel EU, Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat 75, 1040 Brussels
Registrations are now closed. This event is fully booked.
Egmont – Royal Institute for International Relations and FRIDE are pleased to invite you to a seminar on ‘Partnership diplomacy: The alliances and strategic partnerships of major powers’, which will take place on 12 December at the Thon Hotel EU (rue de la Loi 75, 1040 Brussels).
Partnership diplomacy has become a central feature of foreign policy in the early twenty-first century. The European Union has established 10 strategic partnerships in the last decade, Brazil has concluded over 20, China as many as 50, and the US has developed over the years a dense network of treaty-based and non-treaty-based alliances, strategic partnerships and strategic dialogues.
Major powers around the world are seeking to adjust their foreign policies to a global system that is becoming more complex and uncertain. Partnerships can be an instrument to establish connections and promote cooperation in a world at risk of fragmentation. But shaping and implementing partnerships often proves challenging. This seminar will address how and for what purposes strategic partnerships have been developed and implemented by Brazil, China, the US and the EU. Please see the programme below.
This event concludes a project carried out by the Egmont Institute and FRIDE within their joint European Strategic Partnership Observatory (ESPO), with the generous support of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung. The publications resulting from this project will be available at the seminar. We very much hope that you will be able to join us for a rich debate
10:15 Welcome coffee
10:45 Opening remarks
Daniela Iller, Policy Officer at the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung’s EU Office
Thomas Renard, Senior Fellow at the Egmont Institute
11:00 Panel discussion
The American way of partnership: Dan Hamilton, Professor and Director of the Centre for Transatlantic Relations, Johns Hopkins University
Brazil’s way of partnership: Alcides Costa Vaz, Professor at the University of Brasilia
China’s partnership diplomacy: Giovanni Grevi, Director of FRIDE
Discussant: Alfredo Conte, Head of the Strategic Planning Division in the EEAS
Moderator: Thomas Renard, Senior Fellow at the Egmont Institute
13:00 Light lunch and refreshments
Registrations are now closed. This event is fully booked.
(Photo credit: Amafirlian, Flickr)