Conferences, colloquia and seminars nurture the work of the research fellows. They also give participants the opportunity to exchange views with other specialists and with a well-informed public made up of representatives of the political, economic and academic spheres, the media and civil society.



Event 4 December 2023

Economische veiligheid en “de-risking”: wat staat België te doen? / La sécurité économique et le «de-risking»: qu’est-ce que la Belgique a à faire?

Brussels School of Governance, VUB, Pleinlaan 5, 1050 Bruxelles

On invitation only

La version francophone suit la version néerlandophone  — Het Egmont Instituut en Athena, de alumnivereniging van de Hogere Studies Veiligheid en Defensie, creëerden het Think-Tank Platform Nationale Veiligheid in 2022, […]

learn more about the event