Open Strategic Autonomy in the EU

4 April 2023
Meeting room of the Egmont Institute / Online
Type of Event
The Egmont Institute
The Egmont Institute is pleased and honoured to welcome you to an afternoon seminar on strategic foresight and open strategic autonomy in the European Union. The event, originally scheduled to take place on the 6th of March, will now be organized on Tuesday, 4 April 2023, on the premises of Egmont Institute (Rue des Petits Carmes 24A, 1000 Brussels), between 14:00 and 17:00 in a hybrid format. You will have the opportunity to attend this meeting either in person or online.
The objective of the seminar will be to gather inputs and discussion points feeding into the larger debate related to the definition and practical applicability of the concept of strategic foresight in four central areas of the EU’s economy, namely: Energy, Healthcare, Food, and Digital Technology. The deliberations will adopt an interdisciplinary approach and will be conducted under “Chatham House Rules” of confidentiality.
The seminar will consist of discussion sessions dedicated to the above-listed economic domains, during which attendees will have an opportunity to discuss and debate, together with academic and governmental experts, the future trajectory of the EU’s approach to ensuring, at the European level, strategic?autonomy for the four listed economic areas.
Please find attached a concept note outlining the key elements to be discussed during the seminar. You are invited to share it with other possible attendees who might have an interest in the topic.
We kindly ask you to confirm your participation by sending an email to stating your preference to join the meeting in person (subject to seat availability) or online by Friday 31 March. Should you have any further questions, please contact Lila Djait at and Ionela Rusti at