Nets4Dem Retreat 2024 : Charting New Paths: Democratic Innovations in the face of Populist Futures in Europe


18 October 2024




Stanhope Hotel, Rue du Commerce 9, 1000 Bruxelles

Type of Event


On invitation only


Nets4Dem, Egmont Institute, TEPSA,


This retreat is organised as part of Networks of Networks 4 Democracy (Nets4Dem), an Horizon Europe project coordinated by Democratic Reporting International. To enhance and transform the landscape of democracy initiatives, Nets4Dem brings together more than 200 cities, over 50 think tanks and universities, and dozens of democracy-focused NGOs across 38 European countries. Co-organised by the Trans European Policy Studies Association (TEPSA) and the Egmont Institute, this series of retreats aims to equip stakeholders with cutting-edge strategies to strengthen and renew democratic processes in Europe. Additionally, by promoting innovative approaches to democratic governance, these events foster knowledge-sharing and collaboration among policy-makers, practitioners, and democracy researchers.

Co organised by TEPSA and the Egmont Institute in the framework of Nets4Dem, the event will discuss the following questions:

  • Can participatory reforms and deliberative processes effectively address the rise of populism and its roots?
  • How can democratic innovations be safeguarded against misuse by populist movements while still enhancing citizen participation?
  • What strategies can be implemented to mitigate the risks of democratic innovations being co-opted by populist agendas?

Nets4Dem’s second Democracy Retreat will feature three interventions from Elizabeth Calderón Lüning (The Democratic Society), David Mekkaoui (Europe MédiaLab) and Mara Almeida (European Commission) and plenary discussions. Invitees will also engage in active conversations around roundtables, guided by a set of questions.


Please remember that the discussions will follow the Chatham House rule.