NATO: (Re)Acting in an era of transition

24 May 2017
Prince Albert Club
Registration and Light Breakfast
Welcome by Partners
Dr. Ian Lesser, Vice President, The German Marshall Fund of the United States
Amb. Marc Otte, Director General, Egmont Royal Institute
Prof. Fabrizio Luciolli, President, Atlantic Treaty Association
Key Note Speech
Rose Gottemoeller, Deputy Secretary General, NATO
Discussion 1:
The Strategic Environment One Year After the Warsaw Summit: What Has Changed?
The Warsaw NATO Summit has been an important milestone to align Alliance priorities with the realities of a rapidly changing security environment. Among other decisions, NATO reinforced its defense of the European hinterland, activated cyber space as an operational domain, and forged a new partnership with the European Union. How do we assess today the impact of these policy changes? Is NATO now better prepared to face the myriad of security threats and challenges? What is the next step in NATO’s adaptation?
Gen. Knud Bartels, former Chairman of the NATO Military Committee
Dr. Chris Chivvis, Associate Director, International Security and Defense Policy, RAND Corp.
Dr. Sven Biscop, Director, Europe in the World Program, Egmont Royal Institute
Mr. Bruno Lété, Transatlantic Fellow for Security and Defense Policy, The German Marshall Fund of the United States
11:15 Coffee Break
Discussion 2:
Power, Capability, and Burden-sharing
The allocation of burden, capabilities, and responsibilities within NATO has been a forefront issue since the formation of the alliance. Today, with new leaderships on both sides of the Atlantic the prominence of the debate has only increased. Is the 2 percent goal the best way forward to measure burden sharing? Is it a realistic benchmark? Can burden sharing also be measured in qualitative means, such as spending on development and humanitarian aid? Is Europe set to spend on defense?
Mr, Rini Goos, Deputy Chief Executive, European Defence Agency
Mr. Paul Savereux, Director for Defence Planning, Defence Policy and Planning Division, NATO
Gen. Jean-Paul Paloméros, former NATO Supreme Allied Commander Transformation
Mr. Christopher Lombardi, Vice President, European Business Development, Raytheon
Dr. Alexander Mattelaer, Director of the European Affairs Program, Egmont Royal Institute
Networking Lunch
Discussion 3:
Dealing with Conflict by Other Means — Cyber, Terrorism, and Information Warfare
The security environment is continuously evolving. As the nature of the threat has changed NATO also needs to adapt to face modern challenges that combine conventional and non-conventional adversaries, in land, sea, air and cyber space. Is NATO ready to engage in civil-military crisis management? What is NATO’s strategy on issues ranging from hybrid warfare to terrorism to cyber security? Is there progress in the EU–NATO partnership?
Amb. Sorin Ducaru, Assistant Secretary General for Emerging Security Challenges, NATO
Mr. Michael Daly, Chief Technology Officer, Intelligence and Information Systems, Raytheon
Dr. Julian Lindley-French, Senior Fellow, Institute for Statecraft; Vice President, Atlantic Treaty Association
Mr. Jason Wiseman, Secretary General, Atlantic Treaty Association
Closing Remarks
Event Contact GMF
(Photo credit: Nato, Pixabay )