The EU Charter turns 20. Exchange of views on an anniversary. La Charte a 20 ans. Regards croisés pour un anniversaire

9 October 2020
Rue des Petits Carmes 24A, 1000 Brussels
In June 2019, the Commission published the results of a Eurobarometer survey on the knowledge of EU citizens about the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. According to this survey, only 12% of these citizens “really know what the Charter of Fundamental Rights is”. Twenty years after its proclamation, the objective of this conference is to examine the practical effectiveness of this instrument, which is presented as a pillar of the European Union. What is the real impact of the Charter of Fundamental Rights on the citizen? What are the practical weaknesses of this instrument? How to strengthen the awareness of the civil society and the judicial actors in that regard? These will be, among others, the questions that will be addressed by the conference. An interdisciplinary and intersectoral approach, aimed at bringing together the views of experts from different disciplines and of practitioners, will be adopted.
View the programme here. / Langue/Language: Français/English. / Registration is free but mandatory :
Please find here the bilingual Special issue of Les Cahiers de droit européen arising from the conference with the contributions of President of the ECJ Koen Lenaerts, Judge of the ECtHR Paul Lemmens, Elise Muir, Justine Lacroix, Ramona Coman, Johan Callewaert, Jérémie Van Meerbeeck, Victor Soriano, Patrick Charlier, Ilaria Gambardella, and Klaus Lorcher.
The live-stream was recorded and for those who would like to watch some parts of the conference again, the recordings are available on the website dedicated to the event.
(Photo credit: IEE, ULB)