Is migration ‘good’ for Europe?

25 January 2022
Club Prince Albert, rue des Petits Carmes 20, 1000 Brussels
Social and cultural adjustments along with political tensions tend to drown out economic and demographic arguments in favour of immigration. But electoral considerations cannot negate the consequences of shrinking workforces, and thus of tax bases, across Europe. Nor will demands for ‘Fortress Europe’ barriers to irregular migration reduce the pressures of population explosions in Africa and the Arab world.
What policies for the admission and integration of both refugees and economic migrants should EU governments adopt? And how damaging would it be if Member States continue to pursue their different national approaches?
Giles Merritt, author of a new book entitled “People Power: Why We Need More Migrants”, will discuss the options before Europe’s policymakers with Sammy Mahdi, Belgium’s Secretary of State for Asylum and Migration, on January 25 in an event organised by the Egmont Institute.
Moderator: Jean-Louis De Brouwer, Director of the European Affairs Programme,
Egmont Institute.
The number of seats will be limited according to the health measures in force at the time of the event.
A Covid Safe Ticket will be asked at the entrance – Face masks are mandatory.
Participants should register by 20 January.