International conference – The implementation of the EU Strategic Compass

6 April 2022
Egmont Palace, Place du Petit Sablon 8bis, B-1000 Brussels
While the war in Ukraine has entered its second month, the European Union has set its course by approving A Strategic Compass for Security and Defence. According to the agreed text “The more hostile environment requires us to make a quantum leap forward and increase our capacity and willingness to act, strengthen our resilience and ensure solidarity and mutual assistance”.
Now the Compass has been approved, the next important and challenging phase of its implementation will begin. Member states will have to implement the stated targets in the Compass in order to realise that the EU will take more responsibility for ensuring European security.
The conference will be opened by the Dutch and Belgian Ministers of Defence, Mrs. Kajsa Ollongren and Mrs. Ludivine Dedonder, providing their views on the Compass’ next phase. This will be followed by two high-level expert panels, focussing on the challenges of the realisation of the EU Rapid Deployment Capacity (EU RDC) and on the elaboration of the EU’s resilience capacities respectively.
14.30 Arrival and registration
15.00 Opening by Sven Biscop, Egmont Institute
15.15 Keynote speeches by
- Kajsa Ollongren, Minister of Defence of The Netherlands
- Ludivine Dedonder, Minister of Defence of Belgium
16.00 High-level expert panel: The realisation of the EU Rapid Deployment Capacity
- Benedikta von Seherr-Thoss, Security Policy Director, German Ministry of Defence
- Major-General (Belgian Army, Ret.) Philippe Boucké
- Daniel Fiott, security and defence editor, EU Institute for Security Studies
Moderator: Dick Zandee, Head Security Unit, Clingendael Institute
17.15 Coffee break
17.45 High-level expert panel: The elaboration of the EU’s resilience capacities
- Joanneke Balfoort, Director Common Security and Defence Policy, European External Action Service
- Margriet Drent, Counter-Hybrid Unit, Dutch Ministry of Defence
- Kenneth Lasoen, Research Fellow, Clingendael Institute
Moderator: Sven Biscop, Director ‘Europe in the World’, Egmont Institute
19.00 Closing remarks
Please register by 04 April.