In the conclusions of the European Council (9-10 February 2023), the European Council invites the Council and the Commission, with the support of relevant EU agencies, to enhance situational awareness and the availability of data on migratory flows, both into and within the European Union. It encourages Member State authorities to request the support of EU agencies – including the European Union Agency for Asylum and Frontex – to ensure that all migrants entering the EU are properly registered.
The Egmont Institute has the pleasure to invite you to a working lunch with Martin Taschner, Head of the Migration Management Preparedness unit, European Commission. Mr Taschner will present the activities of his unit and how they contribute to the European Union’s migration policy. Further, he will elaborate on the importance of migratory flows data and situational awareness in the European Union’s migration policy.
The event will take place on Thursday 30 March 2023 at 12:30 in the premises of the Egmont Institute (Rue des Petits Carmes 24A, 1000 Brussels) and online.
The meeting will be held under Chatham House rule.