Gulf States in the Horn of Africa: emerging strategic engagements

21 June 2018
Egmont Institute, 1000 Brussels
The Egmont Institute has the pleasure to invite you to an Africa Lunch Meeting on 21 June 2018 with Ahmed Soliman, Research Associate with the Africa Programme at Chatham House. He will present the findings from a forthcoming Chatham House report on the drivers, nature and impact of the emerging interests and relations between countries in the Horn of Africa and the Arabian Gulf. He will discuss the economic, diplomatic and strategic cooperation and competition playing out and the consequences for the wider region. Dynamics in the Gulf States are changing rapidly, in the context of several years of important regional shifts. Countries in the Horn of Africa have been drawn into the polarizing tensions between the Gulf States. Facing pressure to choose sides, alliances are being forged which have the potential to destabilize regional and international geopolitics.
(Photo credit: eutrophication&hypoxia, Flickr)