Governing justice and security in Central Africa

12 December 2016
Salle Orange, Egmont Palace, 8bis Place du Petit Sablon, 1000 Brussels
The everyday politics of places in which nothing, or very little, appears to be working remain puzzling to both policy makers and development practitioners. However, such everyday politics are key to understanding what kind of policies can help to improve the lives of those living in those situations.Between 2011-2016, the DfID-funded research consortium Justice and Security Research Programme has conducted research in a number of conflict-affected areas in Central Africa. It has documented how people constantly have to negotiate their access to justice and security with a diversity of institutions, including non-state actors such as militias, vigilantes and customary chiefs. For ordinary people, these institutions often provide the only viable means of establishing their security and accessing justice. This seminar brings together some of the leading specialists on these areas in order to present and discuss some of the main findings of the programme and what they imply for more effective international policies aimed at promoting justice and security in Central Africa.
For the full programme click here.
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(Photo credit: Pixabay)