Geoeconomics of the Green Deal

6 March 2024
Fondation Universitaire, Salle Félicien Cattier, Egmontstraat 11 - 1000 Brussels
Type of Event
Egmont Institute
Radically shifting towards a green economy has become a strategic imperative to secure European autonomy, prosperity, and security. The Russian invasion of Ukraine has confronted the EU with a grave policy error: putting its energy security in the hands of a geopolitical rival and allowing an asymmetric dependency to strengthen. Now, a major shift in EU strategy is required – a ‘Zeitenwende’, as Chancellor Scholz proposed – which enables Europe to innovate, to develop, and to scale alternative and renewable energy sources, while limiting strategic dependencies on rivals and forging new green value chains with international partners.
But this shift and the gravity of the task brings its own challenges which need to be understood and communicated in order to mitigate strategic errors early on. Hence, the question imposes itself: What are the geopolitical and geoeconomic implications of Europe’s green transition?
This public conference pulls together the research and policy findings of the project, which resulted in four policy papers. There will be two panels with high-level decisionmakers and experts. The keynote speaker will be a high-level political figure.
Our first panel, “Unlocking Global Gateway to the Green Transition,” will delve into the redefined strategic investment landscape of the Global South. Esteemed experts will analyse how strategic investments and collaborations with the Global South can propel the shift towards renewable energy sources and sustainable practices, unlocking pathways for global participation in this vital transition.
Lastly, our second panel, “Geoeconomic Competition and the race to Net-Zero,” will spotlight the geopolitical ramifications of Europe’s green transition, discussing, among other issues, the CRM Act, the anti-subsidy investigation on Chinese electric vehicles, and competing approaches on green industrial policy. Seasoned decision-makers and thought leaders will investigate the geopolitical ramifications of decarbonizing the European and global economy.
- 14:00: Welcome speech
- Pol De Witte, Director General, Egmont
- 14:15: Keynote speech
- Tinne Van der Straeten, Minister for Energy, Belgium
- 14:30: Unlocking Global Gateway to the Green Transition
- Moderator: Jean-Louis De Brouwer, Egmont
- Dora Meredith, ODI
- Marie Dejonghe, UGent
- Chantal Marijnissen, DG INTPA
- 16:00: Geoeconomic Competition and the race to Net-Zero
- Moderator: Alfonso Medinilla, ECDPM
- Tobias Gehrke, ECFR
- Julia Poliscanova, T&E
- Thomas Le Vaillant, DG TRADE
- 17:15: Closing speech:
- Anthony Agotha, Special Envoy for Climate and Environment, EEAS
17:30: End
(Photo credits: sushmasterguest Pixabay)