From Report to Reality: Moving Beyond Draghi’s Vision

6 December 2024
09:00 - 14:00
Egmont Palace, rue des Petit Carmes 8 bis , 1000 Brussels
Type of Event
Egmont Institute and the FPS Foreign Affairs
European competitiveness is a top priority for EU and Belgian policymakers. Despite a strong single market, a status as reliable trading partner and a reputation for democracy and human rights, the EU’s growth is slowing. In a rapidly changing world, it’s up to us to renew its competitive edge to drive productivity, fuel sustainable growth, and secure future prosperity. Influential voices across the EU are calling for action. Mario Draghi’s report, “The Future of European Competitiveness,” outlines key policy priorities. Contributions like the Council conclusions, Enrico Letta’s report “Much More than a Market,” and the Budapest Declaration on the “New European Competitiveness Deal” highlight the urgent need for coordinated reforms.
However, we must now turn these visions into actions. Belgium must identify its own priorities, forge opportunities and leverage its position at European level to stay competitive and thrive in this evolving landscape. As a leader in your field, your insights are crucial for identifying actionable strategies and shape Belgium’s future in the EU.
Therefore, the Egmont Institute and the FPS Foreign Affairs invite you to the conference “From Report to Reality: Moving Beyond Draghi’s Vision”. Join us for keynote speeches and breakout sessions where key Belgian governmental and non-governmental stakeholders will discuss Belgium’s position in restoring EU competitiveness. Breakout sessions will cover five key areas: 1) priorities for the Clean Industrial Deal, 2) deepening the Single Market, 3) securing essential financing for growth, 4) closing the innovation gap, and 5) enhancing economic security and resilience.
Please see the attachment for the conference programme and the discussion notes for the breakout sessions. All speakers and participants are welcome to intervene in the language of their choice (EN/NL/FR). Please do note that there will not be any direct translation at the conference.
(Photo credit: Pexels)