7 – 10 Jun 2021: Formation au métier de diplomate (Niger) – Training

7 June 2021 - 10 June 2021
Type of Event
Egmont Education & Training Programme
The Egmont Institute’s Education and Training Programme had the honour of organising a 4-day in-country training course, titled “Formation au métier de diplomate” for 20 newly recruited diplomats of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Niger, at the initiative of the Belgian Federal Public Service Foreign Affairs. The training course took place in Niamey, Niger, and was centred around the role and functions of a diplomat. The first three days of training, centred around the role and functions of a diplomat, on themes such as diplomatic report writing, communication and networking, were conducted by two honorary ambassadors of Belgium, Renier Nijskens and Bénédicte Frankinet. The final day of the training course, which consisted in political analysis exercises on themes such as “Women, Peace and Security” and “Peacebuilding operations in Africa” was delivered by the Director of the Africa Programme of the Egmont Institute, Nina Wilén. Further exchange sessions on matters of common interest to Niger and Belgium were organised with the Belgian Ambassador to Niger and the former ambassador of Niger to Belgium, as well as the EU Delegation in Niamey.