Fighting resource curse, premature deindustrialisation and climate change in Africa through Good Governance

11 October 2022
Meeting room of the Egmont Institute, Rue des Petits Carmes 24A, B-1000 Brussels
Type of Event
Africa Meeting
Egmont Institute
This Africa seminar will focus on the relationship between good governance and positive economic outcomes over time. Dr Ross Harvey, Dr Ola Bello and Chris Maroleng from Good Governance Africa will discuss how challenges of the resource curse, premature deindustrialisation (and the associated problem of growing youth unemployment) and negative climate change impacts may be countered with the building of strengthened governance institutions.
The speakers will focus on Kenya and Zambia as two recent examples of positive political trajectories with the potential to build robust responses to climate change and related governance challenges.
(Photo credit: Nina Stock, Pixabay)