Extra-territorial sanctions and the review of the EU Blocking Statute

22 October 2021
The Egmont Institute invites you to a Webinar on:
Extra-territorial sanctions and the review of the EU Blocking Statute
22 October 2021, 09:30-10:45
The European Union does not recognise the extra-territorial application of laws adopted by third countries and considers such effects to be contrary to international law. In 1996, the United States took such measures concerning Cuba, Iran and Libya. In response, the EU adopted the Blocking Statute (Council Regulation (EC) No 2271/96). The Blocking Statute protects EU individuals and companies engaged in lawful international trade, as well as related commercial activities, against the effects of the extra-territorial legislation adopted by third countries.
In its 2021 Communication “The European economic and financial system: fostering openness, strength and resilience” of 19 January 2021, the European Commission announced that it would consider amending the Blocking Statute to further deter and counteract the unlawful extra-territorial application of sanctions to EU operators. The European Commission aims to review the Blocking Statue in order to include additional deterrence mechanisms and to streamline the application of the current EU rules. On 9 September 2021 the Commission launched a public consultation to collect feedback on a possible amendment of the Blocking Statute (which runs until the 4 November 2021).
This Webinar will discuss the different options to further improve the Blocking Statute and its application with key experts and EU officials. After the opening statements of the speakers, the participants are invited to engage in an interactive discussion on this topic, contributing to the ongoing consultation on the Blocking Statute.
- Alina Nedea, European Commission, Head of Unit Sanctions, DG FISMA
- Tom Ruys, Professors of International Law, Ghent University
- Marie-Pierre Vedrenne, Member of the European Parliament, Vice-Chair INTA Committee
- Guillaume Van der Loo, Research fellow at the Egmont Institute and European Policy Centre and Visiting Professor Ghent University
The working language will be English.
Please register before 20 October. You will receive a link (WEBEX or TEAMS) to the event shortly after your registration.
Watch the replay of the webinar
Organised in cooperation with the European Commission